Star stitch marker pattern


I’ve been busy making stitch markers for my #rainbowshawlcal which runs July 6th – October over on my instagram account. I’m having loads of fun with them and here I’m going to share my pattern for this star.

Make a magic loop.
5dc into magic loop, Ss to join.
2dc in each DC around.
*DC, DC 3tr DC* repeat 5 times. Ss to join and fasten off.

Add a twist of wire or a bent paper clip to the top.

That’s it! really easy and quick to make. I made mine with paintbox cotton DC yarn but any cotton yarn would work. Let me know how you get on 😉

#rainbowshawlcal starts Friday 6th July

I’m excited to announce that I’m hosting a crochet along (cal) over on instagram . I’ll be making a rainbow shawl and I invite you to join in. Every Friday I’ll post the next couple of rows. It will be relaxed, so why not come and join in? We start on Friday the 6th July and if you’re reading this after that then don’t worry just come and join in anyway. We’ll start really slowly so you’ll be caught up in no time.

To join in you’ll need eight colours of yarn, eight stitch markers (or paperclips) and a crochet hook. That’s it. I’ll be on hand to answer questions and point you in the right direction.

There will be no weaving in of ends – we’re going to do something a little different with them so you have my permission to leave all of your ends to the end. I said it’d be relaxing 😉

Don’t forget to share you progress photos and tag them with #rainbowshawlcal so we can find them!ACS_0081